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Ted Ellis

Ted Ellis, American


Ted Ellis is a passionate man. He is passionate about his family, passionate about his heritage and passionate about his art. Just ask him and he proudly declares, 


“I paint subjects that are representative of the many facets of American life as I know it.

I like to think of myself as a creative historian. 

I was put here to record history…all aspects of American culture and heritage.

My sole purpose has always been to educate through my art.”


Ellis grew up and was educated in New Orleans, a city known for its history, style, and artistic exuberance. This ackdrop inspired Ted to capture the essence of the subjects of his childhood in the glory of their rich cultural heritage. Extremely dedicated to his craft, this artist draws on a style that was born in his childhood from impressions of his native city. Ellis is self-taught and boldly blends realism and impressionism in his work, evoking nostalgia and inspiration. The art of this man both reveres and celebrates the traditional values of his culture. Ted Ellis, the man, lives the life he paints about.


He generously contributes time and artwork to various causes: United Way, ICLS, African American Visual Arts Association, Jack and Jill, Incorporated, United Negro College Fund, Heritage Christian Academy, and Public school districts around the globe. Ellis’ involvement in the community as an art advocate and educator has earned him recognition from numerous organizations and city officials. Ellis’ latest exhibit entitled, “Capturing Our Culture And Heritage” encompasses the diversity and cultural similarities of all Americans. This exhibit will travel across the country, visiting Chicago, New York, Mississippi, and New Orleans, in the next few months. Some of Ellis’ previous national exhibits include: “The Civil Rights Movement”, “Buffalo Soldiers”, and “Born In The Spirit”.


Ellis, who currently resides in Friends-wood, Texas, has been recognized as one of the most celebrated artists of the 21st century. In a mere ten years, T. Ellis Art, Inc. has sold over 1,500,000 prints and posters nationwide. Ellis’ private collectors are many and scattered throughout the globe. Major corporations have commissioned Ellis; A few of which include: Walt Disney Studios, The Minute Maid Company, Coca-Cola, Phillip Morris, and Avon, Incorporated. He has also been featured on local and regional television programs, in magazines such as Upscale, Southern Living, and Newsweek, and is frequently featured in newspaper articles throughout the country. His artwork may also be found on CDs and books. “Unite A Man With Conviction And Something Powerful Happens.” In the case of Ted Ellis, that something is the gift of knowledge. That, alone, is priceless. is a trademark of Concepts with Solutions, LLC.

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